From Dr. Jane's Notebook

The Ultimate Friendship!

A happy marriage is a piece of art. It takes work. It is a thing of beauty. It is a great treasure. I work with couples everyday and I have been part of a couple for more than twenty years. The marital bond can be your partnership through life. As the most important relationship in your life, it requires special care. Here are a few thoughts on the matter.

Marriage is a unique relationship defined by bonds of intimacy, sharing and commitment. In order for marriage to remain fresh and exciting, it is necessary to keep it alive and well-nourished. During the courtship phase, couples put forth special efforts to be romantic, exciting and interesting. But courtship is only the beginning... those same efforts are necessary throughout the years.

©Copyright, 1993, 1995, Jane R. Rosen-Grandon. All rights reserved.

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Last Updated September 19, 1998 by Gary M. Grandon, Ph.D.