From Dr. Jane's Notebook

Self-control and anger management matter -- especially now

This holiday season, we have been forced to question some of the basic assumptions of our lives. Ironically, during this usually festive time, we are faced with considering the question of good and evil. Most of us identify ourselves as good since lately we have focused on the evil which threatens us from outside the United States. But let us not ignore the evil which has been growing within our borders and ourselves.

My suggestion is for each of us to develop a way to manage our own anger. At this time when Americans are indignant at those who have attacked us, we must also be willing to examine our own behavior. It is always easier to recognize misbehavior in others. It is far more difficult to exercise self-control. As adults, we need to remember that through our behavior, we serve as role models for every child in our society. No doubt, this holiday season is an important time for personal reflection on how to make the world (and our own families) a better place to live. 

©Copyright, 2001, Jane R. Rosen-Grandon. All rights reserved.

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