From Dr. Jane's Notebook

So, What's Next?

Human beings are both guided by their thoughts, and they can take an active role in designing their thoughts. Essentially, our minds contain mental maps which guide us into the future. As our lives change, our mental maps become updated. If we choose, we can take an active role in designing our future; otherwise, there will be times when we feel as though we are drifting along aimlessly or colliding with the rest of the world in some out-of-control fashion. I’ll use myself as a case example.

At times like these, life begins to feel like a good book that is missing chapters at the end. In reality, those chapters have not yet been written. Our task is therefore, to create an outline for how we want those next chapters to turn out.

Sometimes, we have the opportunity to take some time for ourselves and become refreshed before starting new enterprises. This is a great time to get some rest, gain a new perspective, and re-program the mental map of your future. Without careful planning, however, the next big task can begin pressuring us before we are physically or emotionally ready to take on something new.

In step 4, write down the required steps for this activity in as much detail as possible. This is how we re-program ourselves. The design and updating of your mental map may take a few hours or a few weeks. Fortunately, you are the editor-in-chief and can make as many additions or corrections as you please.

Just as our unconscious minds are programmed to maintain our body functions (such as, breathing, blinking, sleeping, awakening), our unconscious minds can also be programmed to carry out the decisions we make (such as, to quit smoking, lose weight, get a new job). When our vision of the future points the way, all parts of our mind and body begin to move toward that goal. While it is possible for good things to just happen, success is more accurately achieved through our own plans and objectives.

©Copyright, 1998, 1999, Jane R. Rosen-Grandon. All rights reserved.

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Last Updated February 27, 1999 by Gary M. Grandon, Ph.D.