From Dr. Jane's Notebook

Why Pay Attention to Other People's Children?

A friend of mine recently confided that because she no longer has school-aged children, she has no interest in reading my columns that pertain to children and teenagers. As she explained to me, "people tend to be interested in the subject of children depending on whether their nest is empty or full". I could not help but ask her whether she had supported or voted against the last school referendum. I have been increasingly upset about the ramifications of that defeat, as I see the schools and classrooms struggle with their lack of resources to grow into better learning environments. Again my friend reiterated, "let's face it, Jane, if we're not talking about my kids, I'm not that interested".

Here are a few thoughts of mine on this matter.

Personally, I am an ardent advocate of college and graduate education, but realistically, not all of our kids will get that extra education. If we do not teach them to appreciate the arts and sciences in high school, that appreciation may never develop.

Not long ago, another friend of mine was sick and in the hospital. As she described it, she was wired from head to toe with computerized monitoring devices. This gave her a great sense of security. However, it was the weekend and the hospital was a little short-staffed. It was not until her electronic hook-ups began to fail that she discovered how few staff members knew anything about the machines which were "recording" her life signs.

Each of us depends on others. As you look around at the people who are managing stores, building streets, repairing electrical euiqpment, installing your telephone, and managing your health, you see the products of our local educational systems. We need for each one of them to be intelligent and educated.

©Copyright, 1994, 1996, Jane R. Rosen-Grandon. All rights reserved.

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Last Updated December 26, 1998 by Gary M. Grandon, Ph.D.