From Dr. Jane's Notebook

What Do the Holidays Mean?

It's easy to get caught up in the holiday madness of gift-giving and trying to live up to expectations. We often face the holidays with mixed emotions of pressure and enthusiasm. What we sometimes forget is that we are a society of people who "do their own thing". That freedom to be different and unique is a wonderful opportunity to be creative. With this in mind, I invite you to consider the holidays from a new perspective this year. Here are a few ideas:

Like summer vacations, holidays can be approached from the perspective of maximizing fun and relaxation, working within a budget, and developing a plan that suits your current tastes. Rather than trying to please others, consider how to please yourself this holiday season. If you are happy, others will enjoy being with you... and you will give them your best gift...yourself!

å’€opyright, 1993, 1995, Jane R. Rosen-Grandon. All rights reserved.

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Last Updated October 25, 1998 by Gary M. Grandon, Ph.D.